

When you see the Christmas lights and the Christmas candles, it is not only to mean a guide to where baby Jesus was. It can also be connected to the Yule Log, which was lit several years back to pull back the sun as a part of the Yul festival amongst the pagans in the Scandinavians.

Today, the Yule Log is still one of the Christmas traditions amongst some. In some of such cultures, the Yule Log is burned on Christmas Eve. While in others, it is just an edible log-shaped cake for Christmas.

What you need to know about the Yule Log are both the age-long ethics and the decorative use of this Log.

For the ethics of the Yule Log as a Christmas tradition, it will be interesting to know that the Yule Log used to be a whole tree. The trunk of the Christmas tree is what families would stick into their fireplace. The fire will burn through the entire 12 days of Christmas, which will be from the 25th of December till the 5th day of January, which is the Twelfth Night). The fire would be fed through these days by the Yule Log.

Now, concerning the decorative use of the Yule Log, you have to do the following:

•    Cut some white birch into Yule Logs. Tie with red ribbons. This will be a fit Christmas gift.

•    These Yule Logs are also useful as tapers or tea lights’ centerpiece.

•    They can also be good candle holders for ceremonies.

•    That is not all; you can also make edible Christmas delights as desserts from the Yule Log. This will add another spice to your table!

The Yule Log is a significant part of Christmas truly!

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